Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Prop 19 Defeated

This Tuesday, California voters rejected Proposition 19, a measure that would legalize, regulate and tax marijuana for adults at least 21 years of age in the state. It's a very controversial subject, but the events of this election surprised me. I honestly thought prop 19 was going to pass, it seemed to me like that was actually the wisest choice for the people to select. If prop 19 had passed, it would have made it much more difficult for minors to get their hands on the herb. The penalties under prop 19 specifically for offering or selling marijuana to minors were harsher than the current prohibition laws restricting it from minors, or otherwise. This wasn't the only initiative in California to legalize marijuana. In fact, in November 1972, proposition 19 was to "Removal Of Penalty For Personal Use of Marijuana", but it failed too. I just hope it doesn't take another 40 years for California to attempt to legalize this plant which has so many uses and benefits.


- The New York Times
- Ballotpedia

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